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Here I Go Again

Soooo....where do I start? I thought my days of blogging about my health problems were over! What is it that they say about the best made plans??

Before having Scout, I had so many health problems working against me. Endometriosis, PCOS and insulin resistance being the big one's affecting my fertility. Then after finally falling pregnant and having a baby, I thought that was all behind me. Now I feel a bit like I'm back at the start.

After Scout arrived in October 2014, I felt better than I had in years. But then things started slowly going down hill. I fond myself having zero energy, gaining weight, craving sugar like a maniac and having flares of endo so bad that I've felt like I wanted to die. It got to the point that a few months ago I found a new GP and she discovered that I had gallstones. A lot of them! Eeek! Luckily I didn't have to wait too long for surgery and 3 weeks ago I had my gallbladder removed ( I really don't like the sound of the word 'gallbladder', it sounds so slimy...).

Now I'm at the point where I know that I need to make some BIG changes. And I'm actually ready for them, which I think makes a big difference. I was browsing Pinterest about a week ago when I came across an awesome blog post by nutritionist Clare Goodwin (aka The PCOS Nutritionist) on exercising for PCOS. It was exactly what I needed and she was right on track with my thinking, that overcoming PCOS is a long-term process, not just a quick fix. I ended up devouring the rest of her website that night and contacted her the next day for my first skype consultation. Far out, it's such a flippin relief when you find the right person to help you with your health!

Before our next consultation, Clare sent me off for a gazillion tests to try and pinpoint the root cause of my PCOS. Getting blood tests is never fun, but I'm so glad I did it because it turns out that (along with a lot of other things) I have insulin resistance...again. Or maybe it I should say that I still have insulin resistance. It seems like after I had Scout, my old GP wasn't testing me for the right things and they thought that my insulin was fine. Ummm...that's a big fat NOPE! I've most likely still had this whole time and while that really sucks, it's also such relief to know that there's a reason for why I feel so crappy all the time, why I've been putting on so much weight and feeling so tired. I was sercretly worried that I was just being a hypochondriac.

So now I'm making some big changes. Working with Clare is exactly what I need, even though I know it's going to be crazy hard and not just a quick fix. This is going to be a new way of life and I'm a little bit excited and a little bit scared all at once. We're taking it a step at a time and this month we're focusing on CUTTING OUT SUGAR!!!! Ugh, I feel sad just thinking about it. Let's see how this goes...